Transmissions from Superhead

A journal and update page for news and fun from Your Humble Narrator.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Stuff afoot!

So, since June...

Went and spent a little over three weeks in the NW and had an amazing time. My friend Mark Schomburg is out in OR and we hung out a bunch. He used to run an artists' warehouse I lived in. I really loved waking up to crickets and wind moving through trees rather than construction and fire engine sirens. Been seeing a bunch of bands lately:

She & Him
Devo / Tom Tom Club
Radiohead (twice)
Department of Eagles (their very first live show!)
Grizzly Bear
The Residents (tonight!)

Next week is Sunn O))) at the Knitting Factory which I'm really excited about. I'm going to be missing Brightblack Morning Light which sucks. I've been playing their last two albums repeatedly for awhile now.

Finishing up Dark Stars!!! Almost there!!! So excited to get this thing out in the world!

Amazing dental problems. Teeth are just too expensive.