St. Louis' The Fabulous Fox celebrates 75th Birthday
Oh, man! I can't believe I didn't know about this until just today! This event is so tailor-made for me! We can only hope the Loews Jersey has a similar event for its 75th Anniversary this September.
*sigh* I sure wish I could be in St. Louis on Sunday! An all-day motion picture cathedral event, and all for 75 cents!!!
St. Louis Fox Parties Like it's 1929 on 75th Birthday
ST. LOUIS, MO — To celebrate its 75th birthday, the “Fabulous Fox” in St. Louis is recreating, as nearly as possible, its opening night program on January 31, 1929 this coming Sunday, August 1st.
The huge C. Howard Crane-designed palace on Grand Boulevard is showing the first movie it played, the silent Janet Gaynor film “Street Angel”, accompanied by the Fox’s Mighty Wurlitzer organ. The stage acts which preceded and followed the movie, including a “living tableau” of St. Louis’ history, a chorus line, opera, ballet and even a “Neapolitan festival”, will also be put on again, by local celebrities and talent.
Furthermore, during the festivities, from 2 to 7 pm, the price for admission will be the same as in 1929, 75 cents at the box office. Mary Strauss, the Fox’s owner, will be an “extra” in the stage show, and is encouraging visitors to dress up in 20s-style clothing for a parade onstage before the show.
More here in the River Front Times.
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