Transmissions from Superhead

A journal and update page for news and fun from Your Humble Narrator.

Sunday, February 23, 2003

Famous at TriggerStreet!

Hahahahah! There's a member of, Kevin Spacey's website, who mentioned me in a review, and review title! Not exactly a positive mention from him, though I don't take it that way. is Kevin Spacey's attempt to allow filmmakers and screenwriters with no idea how to access the Hollywood system, or who have made progress in festivals, but not 'in the system,' to try to attract an agent or producer, or whatever.

So I get this email from this guy: "Enjoyed your review of THE END. Check out STEPS my short which has climbed to # 25 in just 8 days at trigger!" I do, give it an okay review, then watch another from him, which I gave a pass too. Both schorts were pieces of a movie, scenes he had shot for a planned feature, and not a full short film.

So he's upset about my reviews, asks how to review a screenplay, I tell him, and gives me an odd pass (one of only 16 he's given out of over 300 reviews).

So I leave it alone, whatever, there's more shorts to watch and scripts to read. But now he's posting Recommend after Recommend, in the hopes that others 'return the favor,' and lo and behold, he holds Top Ten spots in both Screenplay and Short Film areas.

I had posted a Recommend for Jeffrey Travis' The TiggerSheet Diaries, a parody of all the alias reviews, cheating, despair over reviews and rankings, etc. etc. I mentioned, without naming names, in my review, that Jeffrey had left out "the guy who gives out recommends like they were air particles to get his stuff to the top in return reviews." Again, no names mentioned. Just a suggestion for another bit for his script. Well, maybe the reviewer in question saw himself in that sentence and posted the below review.

Just for comparison's sake, I'm posting the number of each posted review with a Recommend, Consider and Pass for myself, The Reviewer, and the current top reviewer.


PASS - 145

Top Reviewer:

PASS - 58

The Reviewer:

PASS - 16

16 Pass out of 300 amateur short films and first-time screenplays. No production company on earth would allow a man with that kind of noncritical eye to step foot on their lot as a reader.

I just thought it was funny he would mention me in the title and body paragraph of a review.

Review posted 2/23/03 on

Re: The TiggerSheet Diaries


For some reason I saw Shade Rupe as the therapist here pushing that shiny red button called pass he loves to hammer down. Of course I kept wondering where his silly little hat was. -- A study in the hilarious angst of Trigger, how many times I have missed the R and tried to log onto It's a site under construction. Loved it when the tough critic broke down. I thought of Screencow, or Barron Von Screencow as he calls himself these days. And I loved your kid again. If I need a new Timmy for the feature version I'd love to hire him. He demonstrated his dazzling skill with What's Wrong With This Picture was no accident. For your next spoof how about the top ten as they wait for the axe to fall?